Sonar 8.5 dropouts
Sonar 8.5 dropouts

This will open the hotkey help dialog that contains a list of categories of hotkeys.

sonar 8.5 dropouts

If you cannot find in this tutorial the solution to a particular problem that you are having in SONAR, then try the following. This will move you from paragraph to paragraph. You can also quickly scan through this tutorial by pressing CONTROL+DOWN ARROW, or CONTROL+UP ARROW. Then press ENTER and you will move to that subject. In that case, if you fine a subject you wish to move to, select it, copy it, and then paste it into the Find dialog. On the other hand, if you do not have MS Word, then the items in Table of Contents are not links. So if you find a subject in the Table of Contents that you wish to move to, ARROW to somewhere inside the line of text, and press ENTER, and you will be moved to that subject. If you have MS Word, then all items in the Table of Contents are links. The Table of Contents, and the CakeTalking Lessons. There are 2 main sections to this document. Similarly the 2 different Page Down keys are called Extended Page Down, and Numpad Page Down. So now, for instance, the 2 different Left Arrow keys are referred to as Extended Left Arrow, and Numpad Left Arrow.

sonar 8.5 dropouts

Now, however, it is referred to as the Extended section.

sonar 8.5 dropouts


Note that in previous versions of this tutorial, the middle section of the PC keyboard that lies between the Qwerty section and the numpad, was referred to as the Mid Section. The punctuation level of "Some" will accomplish this. Because of the extra punctuation, JAWS' punctuation level should be set so that it doesn't say common punctuation marks like commas, periods, exclamation marks and question marks. So extra punctuation is sometimes inserted in order to create pauses in speech output, especially in sentences containing technical terms and concepts. This 400 page tutorial has been optimized for use by the JAWS screen reader. Sample Excerpt: Introduction, Table of Contents, and Sample Lesson

Sonar 8.5 dropouts